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Review of the Year!

New report, new picture of a bridge!

A quick blog post to announce our slightly larger-than-annual-because-of-a-June-election report!

Take a look at it here!

The report is in Beta, so if you have comments or questions, please don’t hesitate to click through to the Google Doc and leave a comment. Or email us (hello@…) or tweet us. With our creative juices somewhat stymied by the heat, we failed to give the report a name, borrowing last year’s in the interim. Speak up if you have any ideas for a title!

Sym speaking

We launched the report last night at Newspeak House — thanks to them, as always, for their excellent hosting. And on a sweltering evening, a remarkable 35 people turned out to celebrate with us, eat cake, and contribute ideas for What’s Next. You can see the results of those discussions here.

Today we’re at an internal away day in Cambridge to start working on those What’s Next plans — tomorrow that’s open to members who can be in Cambridge. We’ll blog the outcomes of these two days as soon as possible!

Huge thanks again to everyone who’s helped strive for a better democracy over all the elections of the last year…


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