2024 general election postcode search summary

The 4 July general election saw 40,000 polling stations open across the UK. For the first time in a UK-wide election, Democracy Club’s polling station finder had full coverage of every station in the country. No matter where a voter lived, they were able to find their ballot paper and polling station via a postcode search.
Our data appeared on WhoCanIVoteFor.co.uk, WhereDoIVote.co.uk, the Electoral Commission, and BBC, as well as other sites.
The numbers
Between the announcement of the election on 22 May and close of poll on 4 July, our elections database processed 14,467,228 postcode searches from the UK public. By nation, this was as follows:
England: 12,583,574 (88.3%)
Northern Ireland: 142,148 (1%)
Scotland: 904,662 (6.4%)
Wales: 622,678 (4.4%)
The interactive map below shows postcode searches by constituency, including as an proportion of the electorate.
Between 00:00 Monday, 1 July, and 22:00 Thursday 4 July (our usual reporting period), our elections database processed 5,515,210 postcode searches from the UK public. This is 2 million searches more than the same period the 2019 general election.

The searches for election week by origin were as follows:
User | Proportion of searches |
Where Do I Vote | 22.3% |
Electoral Commission | 20.4% |
Who Can I Vote For | 17.9% |
BBC News | 12.1% |
Widgets | 2.2% |
Other API users | 27.1% |