
Who’s missing, and why?
Underrepresentation in voter registration, candidacy, informedness and turnout
Not everyone takes part in elections. Around 15% of people are not registered to vote, elections candidates do not reflect the diversity of the population, not everyone can access good information about elections, turnout rarely nudges above two-thirds of eligible voters in general elections and around one-third in local elections. Understanding who is missing, and why, is a perpetual challenge for any society that considers itself democratic.

Registers and collaboration: making lists we can trust
This report is about registers or lists, and ways of publishing and maintaining them. We examine models of stewarding registers and review case studies of different registers. We argue that transparency is necessary, and collaboration desirable, in managing registers that are trusted by their users.
Commissioned and initially published by the ODI

User Feedback
Summaries of feedback provided by users of our websites and
On the blog
The 2024 Parish and Town council elections
All the candidates, parties and results of the 2024 English local council elections.
Who's on the ballot? A look at Democracy Club's general election database
The demographics, past electoral histories, and biscuits of GE candidates.
Voter information and UK law: an overview
A short history of public information provision in UK electoral law.
Opening the register of political parties
We take a look at the UK’s register of political parties: its history, contents, and our plans to improve its accessibility.